Nina Mukerjee Furstenau
More about Tasty! Mozambique: a Feed the Future project
The USAID Climate Resilient Beans Innovation Lab and the McKnight Foundation integrate new science and traditional breeding to develop heat- and drought-tolerant, high-yielding, farmer-accepted bean varieties as part of the Feed the Future focus for development. To bridge the gap between this research and farmers, Nina Mukerjee Furstenau created a low-literacy legume recipe collection for small holder farmers in Mozambique. The recipes were developed with a group of seven women farmers from the country's central region and take aim at childhood physical and mental stunting due to low protein diets. The women's lives are highlighted and their foodstory is celebrated with delicious dishes using more protein in the mix. Below is a training video produced by Nina and Onepass Productions for use in the field to educate farmers about the value of beans for soil as well as human health. Excerpts from the Tasty! Mozambique recipe book follow.
"Strength That Grows" Common Bean Video, English
(part of the Tasty! Mozambique project)
"Spare Change" Soybean Video, English
(part of the Tasty! Mozambique project)
Book Cover for
Tasty! Mozambique:
a Feed the Future project

Porquê comer feijão? / Why eat beans?

Recipe excerpt:
Bean Stew with Lemon